Raku Kiln Building with Dianne Peach

Learn how to build your own Raku kiln!

This workshop is hands-on for those who want to build their own Raku kiln. Those who prefer to watch (and help) are welcome.  The Raku kiln kit (with or without the burner) can be ordered prior to the day. Those making will need to bring a 75L metal rubbish bin, and hopefully a selection of metal snipping, drilling, and other tools, such as hammers and plyers. Everyone will need a dust mask, (P2 or P3), and gardening gloves. For those handling the fibre I recommend sleeve protectors and a plastic apron. (Ceramic Fibre Blanket carries a health warning – “may cause cancer”).

For further details about the kit contents and cost please email me directly on di.peach@hotmail.com 

Morning and afternoon tea provided. Please BYO lunch. The cost is $150 for CAQ members and $195 for non-CAQ members – members, please log-in and use the discount code ‘memberfee’ at checkout to secure a place at the discounted rate. Not a member? Join online now.


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