Ceramic Arts Queensland held its 2022 AGM on Sunday 13 March at Brisbane Institute of Art. We were happy to have the meeting at this wonderful space despite the building having substantial damage from the recent floods. Our organisation is run by a volunteer board, our executive is made up of members of the board. They include president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, membership officer, this executive is often called the committee within NFP orgs. The other board members are called ordinary members.
Our 2022 board members are:
Dianne Peach
Lynette Larson
Kirstin Farr
Yukata Tadokoro (Tad)
Anna-Marie Wallace
Ruth Daw
and new members
Paul Sternberg
Josie Lander
John Brighenti
The board meets monthly usually via Zoom meetings to discuss the events and future directions of the organisation.
We also ran a very insightful Clay Chat: getting to know your electric kiln, 15 attended via live Facebook feed and and 15 attending in person. If you missed the session you can view it HERE
Ceramic Arts Queensland
ABN: 45 009 922 025
An Australian Public Company, Limited By Guarantee
Handy Links
Contact Us
PO Box 1414
New Farm
Queensland 4005
Bank details: Ceramic Arts Qld BSB 034 008 Account Number 229630
© Ceramic Arts Queensland ® | PO Box 1414 New Farm Qld 4005 | info@ceramicartsqld.org.au