Insurance for Artists – the basics explained


This is one of those topics that confuse, confound and frustrate many of us. So here is a very brief explanation of what you may require as a ceramic practitioner. 

Public liability insurance is designed for practitioners who interact with customers or the public. It helps protect against claims of personal injury or property damage that a third party suffers (or claims to have suffered) as a result of your business operations. If you sell your ceramics in shops, galleries or markets and the like; offer workshops or teach, you will need this type of insurance. The current standard coverage is $20 million and is around $300/year. 

Product Liability insurance is for when your products cause a third party to sustain personal injury or property damage and is intended to cover any compensation payable to a third party, and cover your defence costs. If you sell your work, you may need this insurance.

Business Insurance can covers loss of stock, property damage, loss of income due to property damage, fire, theft and a range of other coverage options. If you have your own or work in your own studio or workspace, you may need this cover.

Fortunately, for those working in visual arts and ceramics, there are a number of options open to protect yourself and your customers. While Ceramic Arts Queensland doesn’t offer insurance to our members, here are a few options to consider. 

Our peak body, The Australian Ceramics Association (TACA) offers public liability insurance as an option to its members – more info here

The National Association for Visual Arts (NAVA)  leads advocacy, policy and action for a contemporary Australian arts sector that’s ambitious and fair. NAVA provides a range of insurance for its members including public liability, product liability and personal accident  – more info here

Flying Arts is an arts and cultural development organisation which has been delivering visual arts projects and services to regional and remote Queensland since 1971. Accredited membership with Flying Arts confers all benefits of standard membership in addition to providing coverage under the Flying Arts General Liability and Personal Accident insurance package – more info here

There are obviously many more companies offering insurance and insurance packages so we suggest you shop around to find the best that suit your needs. We have suggested these three organisations as they offer cover specifically for visual artists.

 Article by Nicci Parry-Jones, Ceramic Arts Queensland Programs + Admin Coordinator



“A Sentence of Teapots” 2014 Photo: Richard Stringer

The Australian Ceramics Association

“A Sentence of Teapots” 2014 Photo: Richard Stringer

National Association for the Visual Arts

“A Sentence of Teapots” 2014 Photo: Richard Stringer

Flying Arts Alliance